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essay 3

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VG8xGBPR_PZEtdLooGDyFFlL3caJLIN_/edit (first visual)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kxn-5dr7tZwsaxuksa8ZtbyPO2B4L764yrkpCsndyTE/edit (second visual)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/15i2vh6KeNtoFG2hOE4BiijX9FEOK1-op7yC3e-WmnEk/edit (written part)

essay 2

Papa Diagne. 10/26/22
Joseph furlong
Social Media impact

According to the personalization website, “there are nearly 3.5 billion active social media users, and every 6.4 seconds a new account has been created.” Social media is apps and websites where people go to interact with each other, post photos and videos online. Apps like instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok etc are examples of social media. It seems positive and you’re going online to have fun, just talk with people but this is not all true. Although social media might have had a positive impact on people, it also had a bad impact on people, especially adolescents. The purpose of this research is to figure out what type of impact does social media have on adolescents and teens and the paragraphs below will try to answer that question.
The peer-reviewed article Social Media and Vaping: The Role of Social Norms and Motives, written by Caroline Salafia and Joanne DiPlacido, is about how social norms and motives have an impact on how much teenagers and college students smoke cigarettes and vapes through the use of social media because the article states,”Research indicates social media use and communication of social norms online have been associated with greater substance use”. According to this article, social media has an impact on adolescents because adolescents might think a certain action is acceptable to do just because you see another person doing so. The article states,”The social norms approach to health behavior is based on the notion that individuals’ behaviors are affected by their perceptions of others and whether certain behaviors are likely to be approved or disapproved by others.” Adolescents can be influenced easily by wrong actions all because someone did so or for attention. To prove how much social media had an effect on substance use, an experiment was done. According to the article, the results are,”Social media, the social motive and the interaction term (social media x social motive), were significant predictors of vaping. The model including the interaction between social media and social motive accounted for significantly more variance than a model including just social media and vaping by themselves.” This means that more college students started vaping after social media than others. Social media not only has an impact on adolescent because of social norms and motives effect on substance intake but also because of its suicide effect.
The article The Influence of Social Media on Adolescent Suicide: Is It All Bad?, written by Lauren L. Niles, is about what kind of impact does social media have on suicide by adolescents and whether or not these adolescents are killing themselves because of social media because the article states,”The current literature regarding social media use is mixed, with most studies identifying positive and negative influences on adolescent suicidal behaviors.” The main reason for suicide for adolescents is still unclear. Although, social media might have had an impact on suicide by adolescents because the article states,”Suicide is the second leading cause of death for children and adolescents aged 10 to 19 years in the United States… Although the cause for the increase is multifactorial, the trend has occurred concurrently with the technology boom of the same period and the introduction and meteoric popularization of social media. Although it may not be the main reason, the correlation is on point, social media increase suicide increase. The article also states,” Many discussed being unable to participate in daily activities, such as sleeping or studying, without becoming distracted by social media platforms, whereas others described using social media as a way to self-isolate from reality during times of declining mental health.” This is saying that the adolescents committing suicide is their fault, they could have left social media to focus on life but chose to stay. The article also states,” A recent systematic literature review found that when examining adolescent suicidal behaviors, studies focusing on the effects of social media found more positive influences than studies focusing on other contributing factors.” Social media have a positive and negative impact on suicide but it social media all that bad.
The article Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, written by Amanda Marino, shows the author asking questions to doctors about social media and how they deal with it. It doesn’t directly involve adolescents but this article will impact adolescents because it shows how to deal with social media coming from professionals. A few questions were asked to the doctors and I will use the best answers. “Question: What benefits do you think social media provides for your practice?” Dr Driggers states,”I believe that the primary benefit of social media is that it allows us to connect our practice to local clients and Facebook friends..” This should be how many adolescents should use social media, which could impact their life more positively. “Question: What are some of the disadvantages of using social media? Has social media negatively impacted your practice?” Dr. Talbot replies,”The main disadvantage of social media is when the public posts negative comments on the page; addressing those concerns can be difficult, especially if the posts are emotive. Sometimes replying to these comments can cause more hassle than it is worth.” This is saying that if you see someone talking bad about you online, you don’t have to respond to it, ignoring it and moving on with your day could be a better response than whatever the hate comment was. Social media has many impacts on adolescents but what kind of impact does it have on school.
The article Social media: guidelines for school administrators: a lesson in doing the right thing for students and your staff, written by Eamonn O’Donova, is about what would happen if you give students too much freedom to use social media because the article states,”However, social media are getting a bad rap in education. Some students use the tools in ways that put their First Amendment rights against their responsibilities as students in brick-and-mortar schools.” Social media can be useful for kids but letting them use it all the time will stop them from learning. According to this article Social media has an impact on adolescents because talking to some people you are not supposed to talk to could cause problems. The article states, “There are other boundaries that must not be crossed. Schools have a fundamental right to protect students from predators. When those predators are school staff who use texting and private conversations on sites like Facebook to bring vulnerable students into their confidence, school leaders must take action.” This shows that people need to be careful with who they interact with because in this situation, it could affect their school life. Social media has an impact on adolescents not only because of suicide, school and vape but also because of image.
The peer-reviewed article “Why don’t I look like her?” How adolescent girls view social media and its connection to body image, written by Alana Papageorgiou, Colleen Fisher and Donna Cross, is about how young girls are having problems with how their body looks and are jealous of other girls. This article has an impact on adolescents, mainly girls, because these girls are jealous that their sexualized body parts are not as big as other girls that are older than them. The article states,”Sexual objectification through images may reinforce to adolescent girls that their value is based on their appearance.” This is that many girls think less of themselves just because of the other girls they see online. As usual, an experiment is performed. The results state,”Participants identified body image as a major concern, reporting negative appearance comparisons when viewing images on social media. Appearance comparisons were perceived to exacerbate adolescent girls’ appearance-based concerns. Comparisons also influenced adolescent girls’ efforts to change their appearance and seek validation on social media.” This shows how bad of an impact social media has on young girls. Social media has many impacts on adolescents but is it addictive?
The peer-reviewed article Social media addiction and emotions during the disaster recovery period-The moderating role of post-COVID timing, written Dewan Muhammad Nur -A Yazdani, Tanvir Abir, Yang Qing, Jamee Ahmad, Abdullah Al Mamun and Noor Raihani Zainol, is about how social media has become addictive and the problem that comes with that addiction. This article has an impact on adolescents: Staying on those apps all day will be bad for you because the article states,”Social media addiction, a recently emerged term in medical science, has attracted the attention of researchers because of its significant physical and psychological effects on its users.” As I said, using too much social media has started to become a problem and scientists are trying to figure out why. An experiment was performed, as usual. The results are,”Our study showed that social media addiction and time spent on social media impact health. Interestingly, while anxiety about COVID increased social media addiction, fear about COVID reduced social media addiction. Among all considered factors, long working hours contributed most to people’s health issues, and its impact on social media addiction and hours was much higher than negative emotions.“ This shows that adolescents need to take a second and think before staring at their phones all day. Social media has many impact on adolescents but none has been very good until now
The article Social media: too much of a good thing is about how your information can be easily accessed by unknown sources and what you could do about it. This article has an impact on adolescents because this article can help them control what type of information social media apps like facebook, twitter and so on gets. The article states,” Disconnect and Collusion. These tools help users control the information they share with the world on Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Yahoo!. While Disconnect works with Firefox, Collusion is available for Chrome and Safari…The goal of these tools is to help users know the extent of how social networks and websites are tracking their search histories on the web.” People need to be safe on the internet and the article explains how. Social media has many impacts on adolescents and they need to know how to be careful.
As mentioned above, social media has many impacts on adolescents, some good and some bad. They need to learn how to use society responsibly and respectfully before problems start. Social media has been around for a while and it won’t go away, so adolescents need to learn how to use it to their advantage before it’s too late.

Salafia, Caroline, and Joanne DiPlacido. “Social Media and Vaping: The Role of Social Norms and Motives.” The Journal of Social Media in Society, vol. 11, no. 1, May 2022, pp. 3+. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A706947836/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=b26e8788. Accessed 3 Nov. 2022.

Nur -A Yazdani, Dewan Muhammad, et al. “Social media addiction and emotions during the disaster recovery period-The moderating role of post-COVID timing.” PLoS ONE, vol. 17, no. 10, 20 Oct. 2022, p. e0274898. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A723480817/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=059b2de9. Accessed 3 Nov. 2022.

Niles, Lauren L. “The Influence of Social Media on Adolescent Suicide: Is It All Bad?” Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, Sept. 2022, pp. 1+. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A718246205/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=29e7d3ca. Accessed 3 Nov. 2022.

Marino, Amanda. “Social Media: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.” Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, vol. 33, no. 1, Mar. 2019, pp. 89+. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A583655256/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=4a57da6a. Accessed 3 Nov. 2022.

Papageorgiou, Alana, et al. “‘Why don’t I look like her?’ How adolescent girls view social media and its connection to body image.” BMC Women’s Health, vol. 22, no. 1, 27 June 2022, p. NA. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A708472271/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=56e0590b. Accessed 3 Nov. 2022.
Knox, Karen C. “Social media: too much of a good thing.” Information Today, vol. 29, no. 11, Dec. 2012, p. 21. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A311183898/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=24e25c33. Accessed 3 Nov. 2022.

O’Donova, Eamonn. “Social media: guidelines for school administrators: a lesson in doing the right thing for students and your staff.” District Administration, vol. 48, no. 7, July-Aug. 2012, pp. 34+. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A303073565/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=e88895b7. Accessed 3 Nov. 2022.

essay 1

Papa Diagne 9/8/22
Why is Steph Curry the greatest shooter of all time

General introduction
Did you know it took Ray Allen 1300 games to make 2973 three pointers while it took Steph Curry only 789 games to get 2977 three pointers, (according to the nba .). Meaning it took Curry less than 500 games to have more threes than Ray Allen. Steph Curry, the point guard for the Golden State Warriors was drafted at the 7th pick during the 2009 draft. Curry’s early career was a struggle for him. He always had to deal with injuries since he was small and had weak ankles. The team even almost traded him for a bunch of okay players. Imagine if Curry was actually traded, the team would have lost the second greatest point guard of all time, second to Magic Johnson. It wasn’t until 2012, where he made his first all star game that his career started to take off. Since then, he has been the best point guard in the league, ( other than 2020 when he broke his arm) and has been breaking three point records pretty much every season. He has been dominating the league with 2 mvps, 4 nba titles, and finally a finals mvp. The team wouldn’t have succeeded this much if they traded him when they had the chance. The essay below will describe how good of a shooter Steph Curry is and why he is the greatest shooter of all time.


The article (Steph Curry May Be the Best Shooter to Ever Play in the NBA; Curry could have sat out almost a third of his team’s games and still have had the greatest 3-point-shooting season in history) was written by Ryan Bort. is a writer and editor who covers culture, the arts, sports, and everything in between for a variety of online and print publications, including Esquire, Rolling Stone, Vice, and Grantland. The article was published March, 18 2016 by Newsweek LLC but it was uploaded on the Gale Academic OneFile database. The article is not biased and I don’t know whether it’s reliable or not since the author doesn’t just write about basketball.

The article shows how good of a shooting season Curry had in the 2015-2016 season. “Stephen Curry has made more 3-pointers this season than any player has made in any other season in NBA history….the Warriors still had 24 games remaining on their schedule.” This statement shows that Curry broke the record for most threes in a season with fewer games played.

The purpose of the article is to show how good of a shooting season Steph Curry had the seasons he played especially in the 2015-2016 season. Based on the article, it states, “the most remarkable part of Curry’s exploits is that after he broke the record for most 3-pointers in a season against the Thunder, the Warriors still had 24 games remaining on their schedule. That means Curry could have sat out almost a third of his team’s games and still have had the greatest 3-point-shooting season in history. The second-, third- and sixth-greatest such seasons also belong to the 28-year-old. He has, essentially, broken the game of basketball.” This shows that Curry has been dominating the league in terms of his shooting for a very long time and has been doing so easily since he broke the record for the most threes in a season all time and still had 24 games to go.

The audience is just your average NBA fan to show that there will be only 1 Steph Curry and there won’t be someone like him for a while. This article was written in 2016, so Curry had accomplished much more since then that has not been written in the article.

The author shows how little respect Curry gets from the old generation just because he plays with a different style than the old generation. The article stated, “Current players can do nothing but watch with a mixture of disbelief and admiration, while former players have attributed the jagged anomaly to the sorry state of the game, not to Curry’s transcendent talent.” Instead of giving respect to someone that can do what 95% of the NBA can’t do, they will just say that the opposite team cannot play defense. Steph Curry is the best shooter of all time not just because of the most threes in a season, but also with the most threes of all time.

The author was just amazed at how much Curry changed basketball. The article states,”Curry represents a seismic shift in our understanding of how the game should be played, and it’s happening so abruptly that no one is sure how to react.” This statement shows how Curry, by just taking a basketball and throwing it into a basket, changed basketball for everyone.

Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry breaks NBA career three-point record; Curry passes Ray Allen as NBA’s all-time three-point king Warriors star breaks mark in first quarter against Knicks.

The newspaper was published by Guardian News and Media but I found it in the GALE ACADEMIC ONEFILE like the article used in the first article. The author was not listed here, it just says agencies so I don’t know whether or not the newspaper is reliable or biased.

The main point is that Curry broke the record Ray Allen held for a little with way less games. The newspaper states”Curry broke the record set by Ray Allen, who held it for 10 years after passing Reggie Miller. They were both at the game and presented Curry with a jersey with a 2,974 on the back.”

The purpose of the article is to show what it took from steph curry to surpass ray allen to make the most threes of all time. The article states, “Curry broke the record set by Ray Allen, who held it for 10 years after passing Reggie Miller. They were both at the game and presented Curry with a jersey with a 2,974 on the back…..Curry had been far from his best beyond the arc to start this road trip, going 3 for 14 in Philadelphia and then 5 for 15 in Indiana.” This shows that even though Curry struggled to get the record, he still did what was expected of him. He showed that he is the best shooter of all time by breaking a record many people thought will never be reached.

The intended audience are the people who still think ray allen is a better shooter than steph curry. The article states, “Curry, 33, has now played 789 games, with perhaps a few more seasons at the top. At the same point in his career, Allen had 1,918 threes” This shows the difference between Ray Allen and Steph Curry. When Steph Curry and Ray Allen both played 789 games, 2977-1918, Curry had 1059 more threes.

The author was trying to make a point that Curry is a better shooter than Ray Allen in every way possible. The author was even describing stuff only you see Steph Curry doing. The article states,”The record-breaker came on his next shot and was vintage Curry. He gave the ball up and eventually traced back to the outside, getting the ball back and seemingly launching it in the same motion before a defender could get out to him.. Not an easy shot, but Curry has made it so many times he knew this one was pure.” Curry has done this many times, moving back to defense after shooting a three because he knows it’s good. Not many players can shoot a shot, turn around, start walking back and not look back because you’re confident that the shot is going in.

The newspaper was published to congratulate Curry for breaking the NBA all time three point record, to show that there’s no shooter like him past and present and most likely not in the future, and how he changed the game of basketball. The article states,””He has revolutionized the way the game is played and continues to leave fans in awe with his amazing artistry and extraordinary shooting ability,” NBA commissioner Adam Silver said in a statement. “We congratulate him on this historic achievement.”” The commissioner is saying that Curry continues to amaze fans while changing the game of basketball. If this is not proof enough, I will give you more reasons why Curry is the greatest shooter of all time.


The magazine ( the case for Steph curry) was written by lee Jenkins. He was a writer for sports illustrated when the article was written. It was published by sports illustrated but was found on the Ccny database like all the other used sources.

Curry was playing great in the 2014-2015 season
. It felt like he was on fire for the whole season torching the whole league. The article states,” He was there when he splashed a record of 286 three-pointers 98 in the playoffs, 40 more than the previous mark.” This statement is showing that Curry was breaking pretty much every three-point record that season and nobody was getting close to the best.

The author’s purpose was to show how good of a season curry had at that time by showing the records and the awards he got that season. The magazine states,” He was there when he splashed a record of 286 three-pointers 98 in the playoffs, 40 more than the previous mark… He was there when he delivered a heartfelt mvp speech,” this showing that Curry’s shooting is so good that it got him an mvp

There wasn’t a specific audience targeted when writing the article but imma take a guess and say a nba fan, whether you were fan of curry or not since the magazine states,” they must have not noticed that he was surrounded by his own force field. No one could touch him- not Anthony Davis, not James Harden, not lebron James.” This saying that curry was really like that, just mainly shooting from behind the three-point line, he was the best that season.

Lee Jenkins wrote the magazine o talk about one of the candidates for sportsman of the year. (Can be found on top right of the article) There is no bigger meaning, lee just wrote about how good of a season curry had in 2015 and why he is a candidate for sportsman of the year.

The author is showing respect by showing his accomplishments and why he deserves the sportsman of the year. The author states,”He was there when he splashed a record of 286 three-pointers 98 in the playoffs, 40 more than the previous mark… He was there when he delivered a heartfelt mvp speech,” Part of the statement have been used multiple times but it shows how good of a season curry had and why he deserves more respect than he usually gets. He had a great season here but if you paid attention, he had a better season in the first source used.

The article (THE WEST’S NEW SHOWTIME THE LONG RANGERS) was written by Chris Ballard, who is an American sports journalist and a senior writer at Sports Illustrated.(according to Wikipedia). The article is published by sports Illustrated, which makes it a scholarly article since sports illustrated always reviews their stuff before it is published.

Curry has been a great shooter in the league but what drove him to be what he is today. How he and Klay Thompson became the greatest shooting backcourt of all time. The author states,” Old nba game footage shows a wispy Curry trailing his 6’5” father, Dell, before Charlotte Hornets games.” This shows that his father was trying to get him into basketball so he can be like him or even be better than him which he accomplished easily.

The author’s purpose is to show Steph Curry and Klay Thompson’s early life, what drove them to play basketball, their early career and how they became the greatest shooting backcourt of all time. The author states,” As an eighth grader he scored 54 points in a police league game… klay fell in love with jump shots. His favorite challenge: see how many threes he could do without touching the rim.” This may not be the best evidence but this shows they have been thinking how to shoot threes since they were kids.

The intended main audience are the young fans since it shows the steps they went through to be what they are. The author states,””he was tiny,” says dell, “but he could always shoot it .” This shows that basketball no matter what, if you have something you’re decent at, practicing that talent and being good could get you far and it doesn’t have to be shooting.

Curry and Klay Thompson’s great shooting led the author to write about them because nobody hasn’t seen a backcourt like that and the people need to know where they come from and how they became that good at shooting. The article’s description states,” Curry is a scoring hybrid point guard and an excellent long range shooter, while klay Thompson is seen as a classic nba player who shoots with a quick release.” The people need to know what process it took to be like this hence the author writing the article.

Like every author used in the article, this author is showing respect to the splash brothers. He states,”THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BACKCOURT LIKE THE WARRIORS KLAY THOMPSON AND STEPH CURRY, TWO YOUNG GUNNERS WHOSE SHOOTING RANGE ASTOUNDS EVEN THEMSELVES.” The author is saying that, very loud since it’s all in capital, that curry and klay are the best shooting backcourt in nba history. If you still don’t believe curry is the best shooter, I don’t know what to tell you except go to the doctor.

As mentioned above, Curry is the greatest shooter of all time by breaking the record for most threes in a season twice in a row, for breaking the all time record and for being part of the greatest backcourt of all time: the splash brothers. He has been torching the league since he was drafted, breaking records that were there for multiple years like most threes in a game,(klay then broke that record), most threes in a season, most games in a row with at least one three etc. Curry has proven why is the greatest shooter of all time and he is still not done. At the end of his career, even his haters will say he is the greatest shooter of all time.

https://www.nba.com/news/stephen-curry-tracker-all-time-3s-record (not a rhetorical described sourced but used on the intro)

Bort, Ryan. “Steph Curry May Be the Best Shooter to Ever Play in the NBA; Curry could have sat out almost a third of his team’s games and still have had the greatest 3-point-shooting season in history.” Newsweek, vol. 166, no. 11, 18 Mar. 2016. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A445844111/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=d5b349f4. Accessed 15 Sept. 2022. (https://go.gale.com/ps/i.do?p=AONE&u=cuny_ccny&id=GALE|A445844111&v=2.1&it=r)

“Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry breaks NBA career three-point record; Curry passes Ray Allen as NBA’s all-time three-point kingWarriors star breaks mark in first quarter against Knicks.” Guardian [London, England], 20 Dec. 2021, p. NA. Gale Academic OneFile, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A687486663/AONE?u=cuny_ccny&sid=bookmark-AONE&xid=0405300e. Accessed 15 Sept. 2022.

Jenkins. (2015). The Case for . . . Steph Curry. Sports Illustrated, 123(21), 26–.

Ballard. (2013). THE WEST’S NEW SHOWTIME THE LONG RANGERS.(Golden State Warriors’ Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson). Sports Illustrated, 119(17), 1–.

final reflection


College was a bit harder than I thought, I thought I would just be like high school and middle school, meaning that I didn’t need to study and I would just go through college easily. That is not the case at all, there is no way most people will pass college without putting lots of time in studying and the work that you do. It’s the same for writing, I can’t wait until the last day to write multiple pages or I will receive a bad grade. In college, I learned that time is everything, meaning that the more time you put into anything, the higher the chances of succeeding was what you were aiming for. For example, in the beginning, I didn’t think my math class was going to give me any problems so I didn’t put that much time into studying and it backfired. I failed the first 2 quizzes that I thought were easy and since then, I have done nothing but study for that class and since then, I haven’t failed any more tests or quizzes. Overall, I learned that time is money and if you waste money, it will backfire. To be honest, I came to college just to get my degree to apply to some good paying jobs. I chose computer science as my major just for money, I don’t care about becoming a hacker and all that, I just have a good job that pays well that is within my reach. I will not overwork myself if it is not worth it.

Overall, as someone who thought that my writing skills were bad, I did a little better than I thought. I thought that I would have to depend on the homeworks and reflections to increase my grade but that is not the case at all. Normally, when I write essays, I just want to finish it quickly, it doesn’t matter whether or not I did good on it, I just wanted to get rid of the assignment. I wanted to take the essays in the course seriously because the class is pretty much nothing but essays. And when I actually took my time, researched my topic and actually did the essay, I received an A, which I have never received before (I will only be mentioning the first essay since it’s the only essay that I know my grade of). Also peer reviews and talking to my classmates did help a ton, they helped me realize what I needed to fix to make my essay better. To make it worse, I didn’t even choose the best topic available. I could’ve chosen a serious topic like global warming, the russia and ukraine war but instead chose to write about my favorite nba player of all time: Stephen Curry also known as the greatest shooter of all time.

Based on the first essay, I can say that I can find resources pretty well. Even though I know it’s not hard to find, knowing which information to use and exactly where to look at is important, can’t just search up your topic and expect to find everything you need. Changing up the words, using different sources etc is important when looking for resources. I can also say I have improved on how to use rhetorical terms. To be honest, before college, I had never heard of rhetorical terms. I knew what audience, genre, background, author etc meant but I never knew those were rhetorical terms. I also never knew how important the usage of rhetorical terms is. Even knowing the author is important for knowing whether or not the article written is biased or not. Important stuff that people don’t take seriously is what is hurting their grades, rhetorical terms is one of those things. It gets ignored until you realize how important it is. Another important thing people usually ignore is brainstorming. For some reason many people would just go straight into writing and don’t brainstorm. Unless you know the topic you are doing well enough, people should just brainstorm many ideas until they realize that they fully understand the topic they are writing about. I thought I knew a lot about social media but thanks to social media, I learned new things that I didn’t learn before. In the end, the class made me realize that i knew more than I thought and thanks to the course, i realize that i was holding myself back and i need to make sure that i don’t doubt myself without trying first.

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